
9th Novembre 2013 at 17h Teatre Zorrilla

BOULEVARD MOVIE – França, 2012 – 11’ 45’’ – DocumentalBOULEVARD MOVIE 1 basse def Director: Lucia Sanchez

Jean-Marc Barr walks back and forth in the famous district of Belleville in Paris, before French presidential elections. Known for its intermingling, he questions people on happiness, or money, on their wishes, or their ideas to change the world.

VOILE NOIR – França, 2012 – 5’ 40’’ – Ficció


Director: Michaël Balthazart, Clément Granjon, Quentin Sauvinet, Raphaël Gaudin

Voile noir tells the story of two pilots, Allan and Yvan, who go on a mission to try to bring down the government.

MINERA – Espanya, 2012 – 8’ – Documental


Director: Jorge Martínez, Carlos Carcas

Minera tells the journey of the singer Rocío Márquez from La Unión up to the inside the Santa Cruz del Sil well, where seven miners remained locked over fifty days to protest agomst the closure of the mining facilities in northern Spain.

LA DERNIÈRE CARAVANE – França, 2012 – 16’ – Ficció

La dreniere caravane

Director: Foued Mansour

On a small construction site lost in the middle of nowhere, three workers receive the dreaded visit of a representative of their employer.

THE WHITE MOSQUITO (DIE WEISSE MÜCKE) – Alemanya, 2011 – 15’ – Ficció

the white mosquito

Director: Marco Gadge

In a quiet provincial town, two policemen named Schraube and Wattner are leading a contemplative life. This changes immediately, as mayor Billing has an ominous idea.

AU POIL! – França, 2012 – 4’ 57’’ – Animació

Au poil

Director: JulieDuverneuil i Nicolas Perraguin

In the bathroom, it is the war between the objects of the top and the ones of the bottom. On the eve of a new departure, one humiliation is too many. Those from below decide to stop the actions of the rich. This is the final struggle.

THE MASS OF MEN – Regne Unit, 2012 – 17’ – Ficció

The mass of man

Director: Gabriel Gauchet

En Richard, un aturat de 55 anys, arriba 3 minuts tard a una entrevista de feina. Un consultor, sufocat pels límits del sistema en què treballa, no té cap altre remei que castigar-lo pel seu retard. En Richard pren mesures desesperades.

SYSTEM OVERLOAD – França, 2013 – 5’ – Ficció


Director: Johanna Vaude

A system is running at top speed when an intrusion jeopardises its foundation and its dogmas, provoking a chain reaction that liberates many aspirations totally unknown and incompatible with its initial program.

JUST ADD WATER – França, 2012 – 4’ 52’’ – Documental

Just add water

Director: Franck Janin, Luc Janin

Set in Thailand in April 2010, the confrontations between anti-government protesters and the army are intensifying. Violence emerges at a time normally reserved for the Songkran festival, an annual explosion of happiness.

1956 – Suïssa, 2013 – 6’ – Ficció


Director: Ramon & Pedro

A man is confronted with his past and memories of the Hungarian uprising. Images associated with this event from his childhood unexpectedly reappear.

ARTHUR FLÈCHE – França, 2012 – 12’ – Ficció

Arthur Fleche

Director: Samuel Hercule

For two months now, Arthur Fleche’s right hand is left-wing, and his left hand is right-wing. This situation is getting worse every day, and time is now running out. Arthur is sitting in a therapist’s office and he has only a few hours left to solve his problem.


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