Home » 2015 (Page 2)

  • Official Jury 2015

    Official Jury 2015

    ISONA PASSOLA (Catalonia) Born in Barcelona in 1951, she has a bachelor degree in Modern History. She is a producer, screenwriter and film director. As a founder of Massa d’Or Productions, she has produced documentaries and TV movies, such as: El mar (1999), Mirant el Cel (2008) y Pa negre (2010). She is the president of the International Association of Independent Producers of the Mediterranean (APIMED), headquartered in Barcelona. She is one of the board members of the Universitat Oberta […]

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  • Press Conference 2015

    Press Conference 2015

    Switzerland is the guest country at this year’s festival, which will be held from 20 to 29 November FILMETS Badalona Film Festival this year celebrates 41st with the participation in the official selection of over 250 films from 48 countries participating. These films, five of which are productions of Badalona, ​​are those that have been selected to compete in the festival this year from more than 4,500 registered films that can be seen in 27 different competitive sessions. The third deputy […]

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  • FILMETS at Badalona Libraries

    FILMETS at Badalona Libraries

    Abans de començar el festival, FILMETS es desplaça a les biblioteques de Badalona per oferir als més petits i a tota la família la millor selecció de curtmetratges d’animació. La novetat d’enguany és la sessió a la nova Biblioteca Canyadó i Casagemes Joan Argenté. Les sessions són un recull de 45 minuts de curtmetratges de la secció oficial de la 40a edició del FILMETS. Entre els assistents se sortejaran motxilles i samarretes de FILMETS i a més, els convidarem a veure la […]

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  • The 41st edition of the FILMETS Badalona Film Festival: from 20th to 29th November 2015

    The 41st edition of the FILMETS Badalona Film Festival: from 20th to 29th November 2015

    Zero, David Victori Blaya The 41st edition of the FILMETS Badalona Film Festival comes with an official section of 255 films from 46 countries and more than 4.000 short films registered. FILMETS Festival will be held from 20 to 29 November 2015. Guest country, Switzerland The 41st edition of the FILMETS Badalona Film Festival will be held from 20 to 28 November at the official headquarters of the Zorrilla Theatre, the Teatre Principal, the auditorium of the Joan Maragall C.E.S., the […]

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  • FILMETS participates in Cinema Lliure

    FILMETS participates in Cinema Lliure

    This July, once again it comes to Barcelona Cinema Lliure in Playa de San Sebastián. From 9th July to 16th August, everyone will be able to enjoy the best movies every Thursday and Sunday. FILMETS Badalona Film Festival will also be present on it. It is a night cycle where attendees will have the opportunity to view the best independent films on the beach sand. FILMETS participation will be present at the opening of each session, which will open at […]

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  • Registration period closes

    Registration period closes

    Filmets Badalona Film Festival closes its registration period on Saturday May 30th, at 12 am (UCT+2, Madrid, Paris). All authors still have time to register their films via FILMETS website, so the selecting jury can see the films. If you have not registered your shortfilm yet, please complete the form you will find in the festival’s website. You can submit your film in the following link: https://www.festivalfilmets.cat/en/contacte/inscripcio-2015/

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