FILMETS closes its 45th edition with an increase in audience, despite its opening session being cancelled due to a day of strike


FILMETS 2019 attracted a total of 14,622 people and this year also extended its screenings to Sant Boi, in addition to Badalona and Barcelona

More than 50 directors from all over the world presented their films at FILMETS

Teatre Zorrilla FIlmets 2019

The 45th edition of the FILMETS Badalona Film Festival, which was held from 18 to 27 October in Badalona, Barcelona and Sant Boi de Llobregat, closed with an increase in audience with respect to the 2018 edition. A total of 14,622 people attended FILMETS screenings at either the 25 official competitive sessions, exhibition sessions, screenings for students or parallel events aimed at professionals.

Although the opening session had to be cancelled on Friday, 18 October because of a general strike, an increase in audience was possible thanks to sessions held at the Can Castellet cinema in Sant Boi, which were attended by 420 people. The audience figures for the screening held at the Institut Français in Barcelona also increased, bringing together 110 people.

8,100 people attended the 25 competitive international sessions which took place at the Zorrilla Theatre, Institut Français and Can Castellet cinema in Sant Boi.

5,000 students aged 8 and 15 attended screenings at the Blas Infante Theatre as part of FILMETS Primary and FILMETS Secondary. The strike also meant that on Friday 18 no screenings were possible, but an extra one took place on Thursday 17, with the number of students virtually identical to last year.

The number of younger children this year who attended screenings as part of the FILMETS in the Library initiative was 612. All of Badalona’s libraries participated in these screenings.

The FILMETS for All screening that took place at the Principal Theatre was attended by 150 people. And the FILMETS Pro sessions brought together 250 people: 40 to the ‘Catalonian Audiovisual Animation Industry’ session organised in conjunction with the Catalonian Audiovisual Cluster; 105 to a masterclass by Dani Moreno, director of Chaparra Entertainment, and 75 to the ‘Short Film in Europe: Distribution and Promotion Tools at Festivals’ event.

More than 50 directors at FILMETS

During the FILMETS festival, more than 50 directors from all over the world presented their short films. The Zorrilla Theatre, Institut Français and Can Castellet cinema in Sant Boi hosted directors from the United Kingdom, Singapore, Germany, the United States, Lebanon, Tunisia, France, Lithuania and the Netherlands, among other countries.

The managing director of Badalona Comunicació, Josep Viñeta Balsells, remarked that ‘this edition has consolidated FILMETS as an international benchmark for short film’.


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