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  • FILMETS kicks off with a great programme of films and new screens

    FILMETS kicks off with a great programme of films and new screens

    Ireland, guest country Marcianos de Marte, by Fernando Trullols, international premiere at the festival’s official opening Marcianos de Marte, Fernando Trullols La 42nd edition of FILMETS Badalona Film Festival will have this year an official section of 232 short films from 36 countries and more than 4,000 films submitted to the selection committee. The festival will last from 21-30 October 2016. The 42nd edition of FILMETS BADALONA FILM FESTIVAL will be held from 21-30 October at the official headquarters of the […]

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  • FILMETS at Badalona Libraries

    FILMETS at Badalona Libraries

    Com cada any abans de començar el festival, FILMETS es desplaça a les biblioteques de la ciutat per oferir als més petits i a tota la família la millor selecció de curtmetratges d’animació. Les sessions són un recull de 45 minuts aproximadament de curtmetratges de la secció oficial de la passada edició del Filmets Badalona Film Festival. Dates de les sessions de Filmets d’ enguany a cada biblioteca de Badalona: Biblioteca Lloreda: dimarts 4 d’octubre a les 17.30 h Target: de […]

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  • Opened the inscriptions for press and professionals of the 42nd edition of FILMETS Badalona Film Festival

    Opened the inscriptions for press and professionals of the 42nd edition of FILMETS Badalona Film Festival

    From today on it is possible to make the online inscriptions for the festival, which will be held from the 21st to the 30th of October at Zorrilla Theatre, at Blas Infante Theatre, at Badalona’s Museum, at Cultural Centre El Carme, at the city public libraries and at Barcelona’s French Institute. Press (TV, radio, graphics, written press, etc):  HERE Professional participants (filmmakers): HERE Information about FILMETS PRO: HERE Limited places FREE INSCRIPTION (before the 27th of October)  Accreditation Pick-Up: from […]

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  • FILMETS participates in Cinema Lliure a la Platja

    FILMETS participates in Cinema Lliure a la Platja

    This summer, once again, it comes to Barcelona Cinema Lliure in Playa de San Sebastián. From 30th June to 7th August, everyone will be able to enjoy the best movies not just in Barcelona also in Badalona, El Prat and Mataró. FILMETS Badalona Film Festival will also be present on it. “Cinema Lliure a la Platja” is a free independent cinema that takes place on Thursdays and Sundays on Sant Sebastiá beach (Barceloneta). On Fridays, in Badalona (on Platja de […]

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  • Registration period closes

    Registration period closes

    Filmets Badalona Film Festival closes its registration period on Wednesday June 15th, at 12 am (UCT+2, Madrid, Paris). All authors still have time to register their films via FILMETS website, so the selecting jury can watch the short films. If you have not registered your shortfilm yet, please complete the form you will find in the festival’s website. You can submit your film in the following link

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  • REGISTRATION: Open Call for the 42nd edition of FILMETS Badalona Film Festival

    REGISTRATION: Open Call for the 42nd edition of FILMETS Badalona Film Festival

    The call for the film registration of the 42nd edition of FILMETS Badalona Film Festival, that will take place from 21st to 30th October, is already opened. You can present all those films of a maximum of 30 minutes produced after June 15th 2014. The Call will be opened until 15th June of 2016. You can consult the Participation Rules in the following page: https://www.festivalfilmets.cat/en/bases/ You can submit your film by clicking here Thank you very much for participating!

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