
  • Registration period closes

    Registration period closes

    Filmets Badalona Film Festival closes its registration period on Saturday May 30th, at 12 am (UCT+2, Madrid, Paris). All authors still have time to register their films via FILMETS website, so the selecting jury can see the films. If you have not registered your shortfilm yet, please complete the form you will find in the festival’s website. You can submit your film in the following link:

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  • Beach Flags, FILMETS award in BCN Sports Film Festival

    Beach Flags, FILMETS award in BCN Sports Film Festival

    Last Saturday 9th at 7p.m, FILMETS Badalona Film Festival gave the award to the human and sport values in the closing ceremony of the festival BCN Sport Film. BCN Sport Film is the reference festival about sport, in its 6th edition celebrated this year. The winner of the FILMETS Badalona Film Festival to the human and sport values award was Beach Flags (France, 2014) directed by Sarah Saidan with a production of Ron Dyens. The award was given by Agustí Argelich, director of […]

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  • The shortfilms of FILMETS at Museu del Cinema of Girona

    The shortfilms of FILMETS at Museu del Cinema of Girona

    Sorry, this entry is only available in Catalan and European Spanish.

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  • FILMETS at Badalona Home Design

    FILMETS at Badalona Home Design

    From April 23rd to May 17th it will take place the second edition of Badalona Home Design. This year it will be placed in the ancient building of Correus (Badalona) in a space of more than 1.300 m2, twice than last year. It will be a space where professionals of interior design and the architecture from Badalona will show the newest tendencies in design. Among the activities, FILMETS will organize four retrospective sessions: 26th April in the morning there will […]

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  • REGISTRATION: Open Call for the 41st edition of FILMETS Badalona Film Festival

    REGISTRATION: Open Call for the 41st edition of FILMETS Badalona Film Festival

    The call for the film registration of the 40th edition of FILMETS Badalona Film Festival, that will take place from 20th to 29th November, is already opened. You can present all those films of a maximum of 30 minutes produced after July 1st 2013. The Call will be opened until 30th May of 2015. You can consult the Participation Rules in the following page: Rules FILMETS 2015 You can submit your film by clicking here. Thank you very much for […]

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  • (Català) Tres curtmetratges de la darrera edició de FILMETS Badalona Film Festival nominats als premis Goya i un altre als Oscar

    (Català) Tres curtmetratges de la darrera edició de FILMETS Badalona Film Festival nominats als premis Goya i un altre als Oscar

    Sorry, this entry is only available in Catalan and European Spanish.

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