
  • International session 2

    International session 2

    October 18th 2014 at 17:30h – Teatre Zorrilla INORGANIC New Zealand, 2014 – 09’47’’ – Fiction Direction: Maria-Elena Doyle When Sam’s father dies on inorganic garbage collection day, Sam considers it an opportune time to clear out all the old stuff from his father’s house. The old stuff also includes dear old Dad. The only problem is that Dad is organic and the rubbish collector refuses to take him. VIKINGAR Island, 2013 – 14’00’’ – Fiction Direction: Magali Magistry Iceland, […]

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  • International session 1

    International session 1

    October 18th 2014 at 16h – Teatre Zorrilla HABANA France, 2014 – 22’00” – Fiction Direction: Edouard Salier In a near future, the city of La Habana is occupied by foreign armed forces. A visit guided by Lázaro, a ghetto boy, allows us to understand the chaos that reigns in the heart of the capital. THE TELEGRAPHIST Germany, 2012 – 04’00” – Animation Direction: Florian Kläger, Lisa Sperling “The telegraphist sold all my secrets, put them on show, put them on show.” […]

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  • Badalona en Curt

    Badalona en Curt

    October 18th 2014 at 10h – Teatre Zorrilla LA VENUS DE BADALONA Badalona, 2012 – 07’42’’ – Animation Direction & Script: Jaume Vinaixa The Venus awards ceremony is suddenly interrupted. Pirates?… Yes, but some very special pirates. The Flying Dutchman has just made port on Pont del Petroli. MAR DE FONS Badalona, 2013 – 29’55’’ – Documentary Direction & Script: Bruno Aretio, Florencia Luna The decay of fish populations under the polluted waters of the Catalonian seashore menaces to extinct the […]

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  • Press Conference FILMETS 2014

    Press Conference FILMETS 2014

    The United States of America is the guest country of the festival’s current edition, which will take place from October 17th to 26th. FILMETS Badalona Film Festival will celebrate its 40th edition this year with 255 films from 46 countries participating in the official selection. The festival is a world class contest of reference for the short films industry and it will take place from October 17th to 26th in its official venues: Zorrilla Theatre, Principal Theatre, Joan Maragall High […]

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  • The 40th edition of the FILMETS Badalona Film Festival: from 17th to 26th October

    The 40th edition of the FILMETS Badalona Film Festival: from 17th to 26th October

    The 40th edition of the FILMETS Badalona Film Festival come with an official section with 255 films  from 46 countries and more than 4.000 short films  registered. The FILMETS festival will be holding from 17th to 26th October of 2014. The United States of America, guest country The international official jury of this year consist of Joan Vidal, co-founder of the festival in 1971, Alex Sufit, videoclips and advertising producer (England), Luca dal Molin, director of the cinema festival UNLIMITED […]

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  • FILMETS at the Municipal Libraries

    FILMETS at the Municipal Libraries

    As every year, before the start of the festival, FILMETS moves to Badalona libraries to offer youngsters and the whole family the best selection of animation short films. The sessions consist of 17 short films from the official selection of FILMETS 39th edition. FILMETS bags and t-shirts will be raffled among all children that attend the screenings, and they will be invited to the matinee “Filmets en Família” (Filmets in Family) on Sunday 19th October at 12:00 p.m. at the […]

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