
  • France, guest country

    France, guest country

    Giraffe that jump in springboard, a car race with micromachines, aristocratic chicken and a grandfather that tells his story in the war to his granddaughter. C’est la France! Sunday 10th November at 19.30h you can enjoy the best selection of France shortfilms. With a tasting of the best seleccion of french cheese courtesy of the Affineur de Fromage. With the colaboration of IFB Institut Francès de Barcelona, UNIFRANCE and the Oficinia de Turismo de Francia. 50 mètres 80 À la […]

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  • Magic Piano a FILMETS

    Magic Piano a FILMETS

    Among the films from this year there is Magic Piano, a film directed by Martin Clapp and short listed for 2012 Oscars. The animation film Magic Piano tells the story of Anna, a girl who lives a magic experience with a piano that turns into a flying machine. The Piano allows her to live a fantastic adventure in a journey to look for his father. Magic Piano is an emotional story for both kids and adults, an independent short film […]

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  • FILMETS at the libraries

    FILMETS at the libraries

    Com cada any, FILMETS es desplaça a les biblioteques de Badalona per oferir-vos la millor selecció de curtmetratges per a tota la família. La sessió consta de 18 pel·lícules d’animació en selecció oficial de la 38a edició del FILMETS. Les dates de les projeccions són:  Biblioteca Lloreda : dimarts 22 d’octubre a les 18 h  Biblioteca Pomar: dimecres 23 d’octubre a les 18 h  Biblioteca Can Casacuberta: dijous 24 d’octubre a les 18 h  Biblioteca Llefià: dimecres 30 d’octubre a […]

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    15th November 2013 at 21h Teatre Zorrilla CUSTOS – Canadà, 2012 – 9’ 55’’ – Documental Director: Jean Marc E. Roy Roger, a Korean War veteran, has been living around the Kénogami lake for 21 years. He’s a real warned guardian. WHERE DO THE WILD BUTTERFLIES GROW? – República Txeca, 2012 – 5’ 31’’ – Animació Director: Vladka Macurova A little creature is born into a fantastic world and meets other beings while looking for friendship. A poetic story about […]

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  • INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM 26: La mar de Filmets

    INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM 26: La mar de Filmets

    15th November 2013 at 19h Teatre Zorrilla ALONE – Catalunya, 2013 – 3’ 20’’ – Ficció Director: Athenea Harrington A man runs away. Everything around him has disappeared, he’s alone. He runs away… But, what are you running from when you don’t have a start point? IL RESPIRO DELL’ARC – Itàlia, 2011 – 10’ 51’’– Ficció Dierctor: Enrico Maria Artale A girl tries to attune her breathing to the movements of her bow, arrow after arrow. But her sporting talent […]

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    15 de Novembre 2013 a les 16h Teatre Zorrilla THE BULL LAID BEAR – Àustria-Austràlia, 2012 – 24’ – Documental Director: Oliver Ressler, Zanny Begg The Bull Laid Bear “lays bare” the economic recession (bear market) that hides behind each boom time (bull market). The film combines interviews with four US economists with hand-drawn animations to create a quasi-fictious criminal world of gangster bankers and corrupt courts. BILLIE’S BLUES – França, 2013 – 14’ – Animació Director: Louis Jean Gore […]

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