


    12th November 2013 at 21h Teatre Zorrilla RATAS – Espanya, 2012 – 17’ 15’’ – Ficció Director: Jota Linares Nani and Nico hate each other at first sight. The one to blame is Pablo. There are many things that separate Nani and Nico but a giant kitchen knife will make them realise that they have a powerful nexus in common: neither of them will stop at nothing to get to Pablo. OH SHEEP! – Alemanya, 2012 – 6’ 40’’ – […]

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    12th November 2013 at 19h Teatre Zorrilla DESTINY – França, 2012 – 5’ – Animació Director: Fabien Weibel On his way to work, a man  gets hit by a bus. He is condemned to relive his morning loop until he succeeds to avoid the accident. EFÍMERA – Espanya, 2013 – 18’ – Ficció Director: Diego Modino Alicia dreams of becoming a dancer. In the cosy mill where she lives with her grandma, she looks forward to going to the big […]

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  • INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM 16- Aules internacionals

    INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM 16- Aules internacionals

    12 de  Novembre 2013 a les 17:30h Teatre Zorrilla ESPANYA CARINYO, LO NOSTRE NO FUNCIONA – Catalunya, 2013 – 4’ 41’’ – Ficció Director: Jofre Borràs “Espanya carinyo, lo nostre no funciona” (‘Spain, my dear, our thing isn’t working’) explains the relationship between Catalonia and Spain from the point of view of a relationship. An amicable separation after years of back and forth. It shows two Catalans who do their best to be Spanish but who seem to be unable to make […]

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    11th  November 2013 at 21h Teatre Zorrilla LA NUIT DE L’OURS – Suïssa, 2012 – 22’ – Animació Director: Sam & Fred Guillaume In a city of disconcerting nature, homeless animals are looking for shelter for the night. They take refuge in the Bear’s house, creating an ephemeral community that will dissolve the first rays of sun. A tale of exclusion as recounted by crossed destinies out of sync. MONT BLANC – Bèlgica, 2012 – 14’ – Ficció Director: Gilles Coulier When […]

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  • INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM 14: Drets humans

    INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM 14: Drets humans

    11, de Novembre 2013 a les 17h Teatre Zorrilla CONDOM LEAD – Palestina-Jordània, 2013 – 15’ – Ficció Director: Ahmad Abou Nasser, Mohammed Abou Nasser A dream of the hope for intimacy and love in a brutal, divisive world. DINGI – Bangladesh, 2012 – 6’ 15” – Ficció Director: Veit Helmer i estudiants de la Dhaka University Film Society (DUFS) i la University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (U-Lab) A group of homeless children take revenge on old boatmen who do […]

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  • INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM 13: Mostra curts gallecs 2013

    INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM 13: Mostra curts gallecs 2013

    11, de Novembre 2013 a les 17h Teatre Zorrilla MR. SMITH & MRS. WESSON – Espanya, 2012 – 25’ 40’’ – Ficció Director: Jorge Saavedra Mr Smith enters in the abandoned building that changed his life. He is not only carrying a gun in his hand and a look of vengeance on his face… EQUILIBRIUM – Espanya, – 2’ 36’’ – Animació Director: Virginia Curiá, Tomás Conde A man is abandoned on a floating platform in which there is only […]

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