
  • INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM 12: Filmets Jove 2

    INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM 12: Filmets Jove 2

    11th, 12th, 13th, 14th i 15th  November 2013 at 10h Círcol BENDITO MACHINE IV – Espanya, 2012 – 9’ 54’’ – Animació Director: Jossie Malis An improbable hero sets up in a hard trip by land, sea and air within all the attractions of a planet that has been transformed into a huge petrochemical park… and further. THE LITTLE BLOND BOY WITH A WHITE SHEEP – França, 2012 – 8’ 35’’ – Animació Director: Eloi Henriod It’s school time again. […]

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  • INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM 11: Filmets Jove 1

    INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM 11: Filmets Jove 1

    11th, 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th  November 2013 at 10h Teatre Zorrilla GARRA CHARRÚA  – Catalunya, 2013 – 15’ – Ficció Director: Felipe Bravo The first day of school is going to be tough for Diego, a Uruguayan boy just landed in Barcelona. Andrés, the repeater of the class, will prevent him from integration. Diego will face Andrés in a football game, but he will only manage to defeat him if he believes in the strength of the “Garra Charrúa”. […]

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  • INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM 10: France, guest country

    INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM 10: France, guest country

    10th November 2013 at 19:30h Teatre Zorrilla 5 MÈTRES 80 – França, 2013 – 6’ – Animació Director: Nicolas Deveaux Some nice swimming giraffes, bouncing from a trampoline, perform a diving choreography. DETOX – França, 2012 – 8’ 57’’ – Ficció Director: Julien Bittner A man fights his need to have a smoke. He tries to think of something else… But he does not succeed, and he becomes more and more extreme. EDMOND ÉTAIT UN ÂNE – França-Canadà, 2012 – […]

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    10 de Novembre 2013 a les 18h Teatre Zorrilla PENNY DREADFUL – Estats Units d’Amèrica, 2012 – 17’ 43’’ – Ficció Director: Shane Atkinson A novice crook gets involved in a ransom plot, but winds up kidnapping the wrong girl. KALI, O PEQUENO VAMPIRO – Portugal-Canadà-Suïssa, 2012 – 9’ 20’’ – Animació   Director: Regina Pessoa A boy unlike any other dreams about finding his place in the world. As the moon passes through different phases, Kali should face his […]

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  • INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM 8: Filmets en Forma

    INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM 8: Filmets en Forma

    10th November 2013 at 16:45h Teatre Zorrilla CROSS COURT – Estats Units d’Amèrica, 2012 – 5’ – Ficció Director: Raffy Cortina Following a controversial call, a referee has eighty-four feet to walk across the court, the longest and most excruciating journey imaginable. THE MAN WHO LIVED ON HIS BIKE – Canadà, 2012 – 3’ 03’’ – Ficció Director: Guillaume Blanchet I love my bike, it gives me a sense of freedom. I get it from my Dad. After days and […]

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  • INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM 7: Filmets en família

    INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM 7: Filmets en família

    10th  November 2013 at 12h Teatre Zorrilla/12:30h Círcol EL VENDEDOR DE HUMO – Espanya, 2012 – 6’ 35’’ – Animació Director: Jaime Maestro A salesman comes to town offering to fulfil the dreams of its inhabitants. He will have to deploy his potential to attract them and win some money before, like in all dreams, it all disappears and they wake up. THE SUNSHINE EGG – Regne Unit, 2012 – 5’ 40’’ – Animació Director: Michael Haas Lotte, a battery […]

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