
  • FILMETS Badalona Film Festival wishes you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year 2018

    FILMETS Badalona Film Festival wishes you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year 2018

    FILMETS wishes you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year 2018! Thank you very much for making FILMETS Badalona Film Festival one of the best festivals! We are preparing the 44th edition!

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  • El FILMETS Badalona Film Festival participa a ‘El dia més curt’

    El FILMETS Badalona Film Festival participa a ‘El dia més curt’

    El 21 de desembre se celebra mundialment la Festa del Curtmetratge, per reivindicar el cinema de curta durada amb esdeveniments i projeccions en moltes ciutats. És l’anomenat ‘El dia més curt’. El FILMETS Badalona Film Festival participa en aquesta festa amb projeccions a la Sala del Círcol de Badalona: Dissabte 23 de desembre a les 20h, una selecció de les millors pel·lícules del Festival FILMETS. Diumenge 24 de desembre a les 12h, gaudeix del millor cinema infantil amb la sessió familiar (edats de 4 a 12 anys, especialment […]

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  • The Hungarian Mindenki (Sing) by Kristóf Deák is the winning short film of the 43rd edition of the Filmets Badalona Film Festival

    The Hungarian Mindenki (Sing) by Kristóf Deák is the winning short film of the 43rd edition of the Filmets Badalona Film Festival

    A total number of 12.000 spectators have attended the festival screenings, of which 3.000 have attended the 25 competing sessions Mindenki (Sing), Kristóf Deák The verdict selection session, where all the awarded films of the 43rd edition were screened, ended on Sunday this year’s edition of the festival that started on the 20th of October and that, for the first time in its history, has screened in the three municipal theatres of Badalona: Zorrilla, Principal and Blas Infante, as well as […]

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  • FILMETS Badalona Film Festival gets to its final stage next Friday after a week of screening in the three public theatres of Badalona

    FILMETS Badalona Film Festival gets to its final stage next Friday after a week of screening in the three public theatres of Badalona

    La Nit de les Venus, the festival’s closing ceremony, will take place the 28th at 22 h in Teatre Zorrilla In this special session all the FILMETS Badalona Film Festival’s awards will be presented On Friday 27th of October, the 43th Edition of FILMETS Badalona Film Festival, a world level short films contest, gets to its final stage. Since last Friday in the official section a total number of 250 short films from the five continents have been screened. For […]

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  • Tomorrow, 26th of October, activities for FILMETS Pro are to take place

    Tomorrow, 26th of October, activities for FILMETS Pro are to take place

    A masterclass about FX and digital retouching, a workshop about virtual effects for short films and a meeting with directors and professionals will be the focus of FILMETS Pro on Thursday 26th and Friday 27th of October Centre Cultural El Carme, located in Francesc Layret Street, 78-82 in Badalona, will be the headquarters for these activities together with the Teatre Principal Masterclass about FX and digital retouching FILMETS Pro will start up with a masterclass about FX and digital retouching […]

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  • Germany, this year’s guest country in FILMETS Badalona Film Festival, shows huge cinematographic potential in the short film world.

    Germany, this year’s guest country in FILMETS Badalona Film Festival, shows huge cinematographic potential in the short film world.

    Before each screening, the directors will take part in a round table and discuss their short films’ contents The Deputy Consul General of Germany in Barcelona, stated that “FILMETS is a great example of cultural exchange between cities across the world” FILMETS Badalona Film Festival lived one of its central moments yesterday, with the session FOCUS FILMETS; Alemania, this year’s edition guest country. This session was attended by the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Barcelona. Up […]

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