
  • FILMETS Badalona Film Festival opens the 40th year edition with a tribute to the pioneers of the festival and the Catalan film

    FILMETS Badalona Film Festival opens the 40th year edition with a tribute to the pioneers of the festival and the Catalan film

    Friday, October 17th at 22:00 pm the 40th edition of FILMETS Badalona Film Festival opened with a retrospective session of short films that had won the Venus for the best film or genre during the 40 years of the festival history: ONE – 13’- Fiction- (1981) WEST BANK STORY – 21’20’’ – Fiction- (2005) LE RÉVEIL –  6’ – Fiction- (2001) FATHER AND DAUGTHER – 8’09’’ – Animation – (2001) DIVISION AZUL – 12’ – Fiction- (2012) INSTEAD OF ABRACADABRA […]

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  • International Session 25

    International Session 25

    Octubre 24th 2014 at 20h – Teatre Zorrilla JUST BEFORE LOSING EVERYTHING France, 2012 – 30’00’’ – Fiction Direction & Script: Xavier Legrand A young boy pretends to go to school and hides under a small bridge. A teenager in tears waits at a bus stop. A woman picks them up and drives them to the parking lot of a supermarket. They step out of the car and the woman takes a big trash bag out of the trunk. All […]

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  • International Session 24

    International Session 24

    24 d’octubre 2014 a les 18h – Teatre Zorrilla L’AMORE CORTO Italy, 2014 – 09’58’’ – Fiction Direction & Script: Valentina Vincenzini Giulia and Lorenzo are two Italians at their first date, drinking coffee in New York. After a while Lorenzo becomes impatient and spills the beans: he really likes Giulia but he is concerned about the little time they have together since they are in a low budget independent short film. SUN OF A BITCH France, 2013 – 05’51’’ […]

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  • International Session 23

    International Session 23

    October 24th 2014 at 16h – Teatre Zorrilla A POLITICAL STORY Spain, 2013 – 26’56’’ – Fiction Direction: Lander Camarero Final-year project of Lauren C. Carroll, a student at the New York Film Institute. Unlike her fellow classmates who choose pure entertainment, Lauren decides to make a politically committed film. FALLIN’ FLOYD Netherlands, 2013 – 08’53’’ – Animation Direction: Albert ‘t Hooft, Paco Vink A humoristic turbo drama. Floyd, after being dumped by his girlfriend, suffers from psychological problems manifested […]

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  • International session 22

    International session 22

    October 23rd 2014 at 22h – Teatre Zorrilla HOSPEDARIA Portugal, 2014 – 20’00’’ – Fiction Direction & Script: Pedro Neves An old inn in central Porto hosted people with few possessions for many years, until the landlady, who sub rented the rooms, handed out the key to the owner. Almost everything was left behind .A diary written by a child brings us to the kind of atmosphere – dark and violent – that would be lived in the inn. FIRE Belgium, […]

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  • International session 21

    International session 21

    Octubre 23rd 2014 a les 20h – Teatre Zorrilla MINERITA Spain, 2013 – 27’00” – Documental Direction & Script: Raúl de la Fuente Cerro Rico is a lawless land. Miners risk their lives in unsteady tunnels to obtain silver and zinc. Those who survive think they have the right to do anything. The women hunt begins. Minerita is the story of three women work in the mine and struggle to survive in a living hell. Their only weapon: courage… and dynamite. L’ART […]

    Més »


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