
  • The Libraries of Badalona tremble of FILMETS

    The Libraries of Badalona tremble of FILMETS

    Un altre any, FILMETS a les Biblioteques torna a ser un gran èxit. Els nens i nenes de les biblioteques de Lloreda, de Pomar i de Can Casacuberta han pogut assistir a la millor selecció de curtmetratges d’animació per a totes les edats de les últimes edicions de FILMETS. A cadascuna de les sessions han assistit entre 30 i 50 nens, amb els seus pares, i tots han rigut i s’han emocionat amb curts que expliquen petites grans històries, com la […]

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  • From 8th to 17th November: FILMETS Badalona Film Festival

    From 8th to 17th November: FILMETS Badalona Film Festival

    FILMETS 2013 comes with an Official Section of 289 films from more than 40 countries and 4,126 registrations. The 39th edition of FILMETS Badalona Film Festival will be held from 8th to 17th November 2013 and will have its competitive phase in the two official venues of the Festival: Teatre Zorrilla and Teatre El Círcol, alongside with CES Joan Maragall, La Nau 3 (Centre Cultural l’Escorxador) and Badalona public libraries. THE JURY Judit COLELL, President – Vice president of the […]

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  • Catalogue 2013

    Catalogue 2013

    It is now available the new catalogue in our web site. You can check it in Filmets 2013 > Catalogue or through the next likn:  Filmets_2013_catálogo

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  • Paperman, Academy Awards, in FILMETS

    Paperman, Academy Awards, in FILMETS

    In the International Program 12: Filmets Jove 2 from this year, we can find the film Paperman, a short film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. The film, which won both an Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film and the Annie Award, tells the story of an urban office worker who finds that paper airplanes are instrumental in meeting a girl in ways he never expected. The film was released the 4th of June of 2013 in the Annecy […]

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  • Official Jury 2013

    Official Jury 2013

    This year our festival’s official jury is composed by Judith Colell, director and vice president of the Spanish Film Academy, who will be in charge of the international official jury, a jury formed by Pedro Neves, a Portugal filmmaker, Oriol Sala-Patau, TVC producer and Gaudí prize-winner 2012, Marina Gatell, actress, and Yooni Yoonsun Choi, from the BISFF festival in Busan, South Korea. Here we offer a brief description of their steps in the audiovisual world.   JUDIT COLELL She was […]

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  • Masterclass 2013

    Masterclass 2013

    MASTERCLASS  With Retro-conflictivos: a retrospective view of Conflictivos Productions on Friday, 8th November at 4 pm at the Pau Gargallo School of Art and Higher School of Design.  With SAM Conflictivos Productions about the stop motion technique, at the Okey shop in Badalona on Saturday, 9th November at 6 pm. With Jean Marc E. Roy and Michaël Lalancette (Quebec), on Friday, 15th November at 6 pm in the foyer at the Zorrilla.  With Albert Lloreta, director of documentaries, videos and […]

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